Beauty Sleep with Sleep + Glow

Beauty Sleep is my top tip and favorite tactic to good skin, good health, and a balanced life. Getting 7-8 hours a night is a MUST. (Shout out to all my Mom friends who get 2-3 hours of sleep a night, I credit you MAJORLY)
Sleep is one of the most healing things your body does. It even lowers your cortisol levels (stress hormones) which we could all benefit from.
My cheatsheet to good sleep includes:
😴 no caffeine after 2pm (this includes green tea)
🌀blue-blocking glasses at least 1 hour before bed (available on my amazon list for $10)
⚠️turn off all artificial lights at least 1 hour before bed (I don’t have any artificial light besides my salt lamps and living room lamps which I replaced with dim colored bulbs from Home Depot (I don’t want to F with my circadian rhythm)
🌙Activate “night shift” mode on your screens and devices in the evenings
💦I spray magnesium on the bottom of my feet at night (also avail on my amazon list)
😴I sleep in pajamas every night- NOT gym or lounge clothes
☕️ Ease into sleep with tea. Mint tea is always nearby. It’s so soothing right before bed and is great for digestion (me and @eddiesworld had some last night)
🌿I diffuse @youngliving lavender in my oil diffuser
💧I turn on the humidifier
❄️I keep the temperatures cooler at night somewhere around 64 degrees (cough @miltiadiskastanis )
☁️ @sleepandglow PILLOW. This pillow is EXTREMELY comfortable, comes with a 100% tencel pillowcase which helps prevent fine lines, wrinkles, creases, + broken hair, helps with morning puffiness, protects your eyelashes (great for lash extensions), + was developed in collaboration w orthopedists to ensure a correct sleeping condition for your body (everyone would benefit from this)
I actually asked @sleepandglow if they could offer my friends a discount code since so many people saw it on my stories and asked me about it + they said YES! How awesome of them?! For 10% off use code: ALEXGILL10
What are your favorite tips for the best sleep routines? I’m obsessed w rituals + want to know! X