Mentors + tips to thrive

Let’s talk Mentors real quick. I believe as an artist, a creator, an entrepreneur, a human, you need to master yourself FIRST, before mastering your job or art. Your future really is dependent on your personal growth. My top bit of advice, to master any aspect of your life, is to get a mentor.
Mentors are a V important 🔑 to growth. If people like Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Tesla, +Mark Zuckerberg had mentors then, so do I.
Not everyone needs to be the next Jobs or Einstein, but I want to learn from people who did big things. I’m not just talking financially, I’m talking spiritually, emotionally, + physically too. Martin Luther King, GHANDI, MIYA ANGELOU (who mentored) OPRAH (who mentored) ELLEN, all these power houses had MENTORS.
But Alex, I’m broke and can’t afford to hire a mentor. Well, you know what, don’t give me your shit or lame excuses, bc I don’t want to hear it. You’re only fooling yourself and guess what? We live in an age where we have unlimited access to GOOGLE HUNNI.
Here are a few of my tips (you don’t need to know them personally for them to be a mentor):
PODCASTS! Lewis Howes, Gary Vee, Tim Ferriss, Tai Lopez, Julie Solomon, these are all examples of knowledgable + inspirational people who podcast + offer knowledge in the biz world. If you haven’t listened to any of these yet then I’m actually jealous because you have so many GREAT episodes with so much VALUE to listen to.
BOOKS! Invest in authors that do what you want to do with excellence. Want a mentor in investing? Hey, Tony Robins. Started a nice investment fund 5 years ago after reading your books. Want a mentor in spirituality? Hello, Gabby Bernstein and Dr. Brian Weiss, I now have developed A+ gratitude practices after your books. Want a mentor in skincare education? Hi Paul Begoun! Highlight + take notes! .
HIRE A COACH! Once I was able to save up and invest in a coach I hired @sahdsimone as my coach. Great investment for myself + biz.
ASSIST! Who do you look up to in your field? Anyone could use help. Ask your fav expert to shadow, help, or assist. How do you think my makeup career started? I reached out to artists + assisted!
FRIENDS! Find friends who have different strengths. Find intelligent people to surround yourself with and learn from.
Remember, you must put in the work and execute what you learn, otherwise you’re wasting your time. I have mentors so I can mentor others. Mentors don’t just give you advice but they also motivate you and help you grow. Surround yourself with the right mentors FOR YOU and remember that you truly do have access to anyone you want. + If you feel like you don’t have time, wrong again. I’m a girl always on the go and if I’m driving to work, running in to get a smoothie, grocery shopping, cleaning my makeup brushes, you best believe I’m listening to a podcast or audiobook.
You may not need a mentor to get anywhere but you can get wherever you aim WAY faster with their help. The decision is up to you. Work hard, work smart, and dream big my loves. I LOVE YOU! x