Why you need to make a Vision Board NOW

Where focus goes, energy flows. VISION BOARD EDITION:
I believe that it is ESSENTIAL to create a strategic future by design. How you ask? Clarity. Clarity can be tricky at times, yes, but it really helps when you can visually see what you want to manifest in your life.
I have chosen to cultivate the HABIT of success. When I say success, I don’t mean through quantitative measures like purely 💰, but, being the ABSOLUTE best version of myself... Now, my success may look different than your success, however, everyday I work to create the life I have envisioned for myself and I want you guys to do the same...
Visualization at it’s finest my beauties! How? By creating a magical VISION BOARD. By creating a VB, you literally are creating, manifesting, and designing your future.
Start by asking yourself, “Where do I want to be?” Your goals can be anything you want them to. It can be business goals, money goals, health goals, friendship or relationship goals, ANYTHING YOU WANT. One of my favorites, Tony Robbins says, “To create a real breakthrough, you have to mentally enter a new state of mind with a new story and a proven strategy.” SO my beauties, this is the last few days of 2018 right before we enter the new year. Now is your time to strategize and get creative.
The idea is if you can believe it and see it, you and achieve it.
It took me over 3 hours of cutting magazines to create the content for my VB.
My VB is EXTREMELY specific. Don’t just put travel, put exactly where you want to travel to. Cut out words, photos, and images that are all inspiring to you. Make sure to hang your vision board somewhere where you can see it every day.
Where focus goes, energy flows… My energy is flowing towards being a badass boss filled with art, creativity, a supportive tribe, love, connection, contribution, healing, health, and fulfillment. You are the creator of your future.
Grab your girlfriends, grab some wine (or tea in my situation) and make your vision boards with people that have some good energy to go around. Get creative and have fun.
TAG ME in your Vision Board posts so I can stalk you out! X Alexandria 💋