Unplug + Take a break; Here's how

Sometimes it can be a real challenge to “turn off” when we need it most. After I found out about one of my best friend’s passing last week, I immediately dug myself into work, attended events, booked myself solid with meetings, events, workshops, + calls and ignored myself for a week.
I did the same when my Dad passed away. I went to work 2 days later + stayed busy. Keeping busy isn’t always a bad thing but its so important to take time to acknowledge your emotions, allow yourself to process, and take time out.
My body literally forced me to hit the pause button for the rest of this week. My Autoimmune disorders are in full swing (probably from stress and poor stress eating) and I need to slow down + focus on health. I took today and the rest of the week off.
I really encourage you to slow down (especially because thats what we are supposed to do in the Winter season) so you don’t get sick or burnt out.
Here are some tips for taking a break:
💕CLEAR YOUR SCHEDULE: Give yourself time to relax and rejuvenate.
💕STAY HYDRATED: Literally 75% of Americans are dehydrated. That’s insane and it will affect your ability to think clearly- Drink up! And stay away from alcohol! Alcohol is a depressant (and triggers my autoimmune problems so I choose to avoid).
💕TURN ON THE MUSIC: I’ve been listening to classical music all day but you turn on whatever music soothes your soul. Music is SO powerful when it comes to stress-management and relaxation.
💕STEP OUTSIDE: Yes its cold here in NY but stress causes inflammation and we all know that is no good. The cold kicks inflammation’s ass so get outside for a bit or turn on the cold water in your shower.
💕FIND A SAUNA NEAR YOU: They are magical and are so beneficial for your health. Not only are they good for your skin, but it helps induce a deeper sleep and relaxes your muscles.
💕MEDITATE: Breathwork is so healing.
💕REST: Sleep! Burn incense, drink camomile tea, take a magnesium supplement (I have the spray), infuse your bedroom with some Stress Less or Lavender essential oils.
💕UNPLUG: Disconnect for a bit. Dont check your phone every 10 minutes and turn off your notifications.
💕 Sending Love -Alex